People Are Not Eating Enough Blue and Purple Foods


People Are Not Eating Enough Blue and Purple Foods 

When it comes to food, people need more blue and purple in their lives.

That’s what the results of the Global Phytonutrient Report indicated. The report presents research commissioned by the Nutrilite Health Institute of Amway and revealed that most adults would need to at least double their current intake of fruits and vegetables to meet the recommended minimum of five servings (or 400 grams) per day. *

“The Global Phytonutrient Report also helped to identify phytonutrient gaps that are most prevalent throughout the world,” Amway Principal Research Scientist Steve Missler said. “The blue/purple category was found to be the least consumed globally.”

While eating a variety of fruits and vegetables from across the color spectrum is the best way to support health, it’s not always easy to accomplish. Effective dietary supplements can help fill the nutrient gaps.

Amway recently launched the next generation of Nutrilite™ Double X™ Vitamin/ Mineral/Phytonutrient Supplement. Spurred by the findings in the Global Phytonutrient Report, the new formula features a special berry blend, giving a boost to the blue/purple foods category.

The proprietary blend includes grape, blueberry, elderberry and black currant extracts, providing anthocyanins, phytonutrients that have been shown to support vascular health, cognitive health and eye health.

“Science has found a strong correlation between diets rich in fruits and vegetables and significant reductions in the consequences of poor health,” said Dr. Keith Randolph, nutrition technology strategist for Amway and co-author of the Global Phytonutrient Report. “That is why health agencies such as the World Health Organization have been stressing the need to increase the number and variety of plants in the diet.”


*The Global Phytonutrient Report: A Global Snapshot of Fruit and Vegetable Intake and Availability, and Implications for Phytonutrient Intakes was developed by Nutrilite using results from an analysis of fruit and vegetable intakes conducted for Nutrilite by Exponent, Inc. The analysis of fruit and vegetable intakes was conducted using data from several sources: World Health Organization’s (WHO) World Health Survey (WHS), the Global Environment Monitoring System – Food Contamination 


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